On Monday, May 22nd 2023 we welcomed Prof. Dr. Ivana Jelić, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights, to the IRDT. Her inspiring lecture on "Freedom of Speech in the Digital Sphere" was followed by a Q&A session. It was an excellent opportunity for legal practitioners, academics and students to engage in dialogue with a leading expert in the field. [...]
Am 26.01.2023 besuchten ukrainische Gäste im Rahmen der DAAD-Studienreihe unser Institut. Wir begrüßten Dr. Vasyl Myronyuk mit weiteren Fakultätsmitgliedern und[...]
The Cambridge Handbook of Responsible Artificial Intelligence has been launched today. Our director Prof. v. Ungern-Sternberg focuses in her chapter "Discriminatory AI and the Law" on the legality of AI assessing people (profiling).
We had two successful days of presentations and discussions at the IRDTConference on Content Regulation in the European Union: Hate Speech, Fake News & Co.
Das XXI. Walter-Hallstein-Kolloquium "Digitalisierung in der EU" findet am 3. und 4. März über Zoom statt. Unsere Direktorin Prof. von[...]
Internationale Gäste besuchten gestern im Rahmen einer DAAD-Studienreihe das Institut für Recht und Digitalisierung. Zu Gast war Dr. Vasyl Myronyuk[...]
Digitalisation, and algorithmic systems as well as AI in particular, hold great potential and could benefit our society in various[...]
On May 20th/21th 2021 Thomas Burri from the University of St. Gallen and Antje von Ungern-Sternberg, Director of the Institute[...]
Our director Benjamin Raue participated in the interdisciplinary conference on "Digital Ethics - The Issue of Images" at Villa Vigoni[...]
Last week our director Prof. Dr. Benjamin Raue participated as speaker in the webinar „Summer Course on European Intellectual Property[...]
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